Gracilis Bamboo vs. Goldstripe Clumping Bamboo: Choosing the Right Bamboo for Your Landscape

Bamboo is a versatile and elegant addition to any landscape, offering beauty, privacy, and functionality. Two popular choices for bamboo enthusiasts are Gracilis (Slender Weaver) and Goldstripe (Golden Goddess).

Surviving the Dry Spell - How to Protect your Bamboo

Now that El Nino has been declared officially, you might be wondering how best to manage your garden over the long, hot summer. This of course includes your bamboo.

Enhancing Your Garden with Clumping Bamboo Plants for Privacy Screening

In the realm of landscaping, the bamboo plant stands tall as a versatile and elegant solution for creating private and serene outdoor spaces.

Video: Clumping Bamboo Growing Tips

Clumping Bamboo: Enjoy this informative video presented by Queensland based Horticultural presenter Adam Woodhams.

How to Plant Bamboo

Bamboo plants can be planted at any time of the year. In the cooler months they won’t show much vertical growth, but rather concentrate on establishing their roots in the new environment, ready for the weather to warm up.

Bamboo Planting Spaces

For varieties suitable to grow in suburban yards, clumping bamboo is best planted with 1 to 1.5m spaces between each plant.

Growing Bamboo Plants In Pots: A Definitive Guide

Bamboo in pots is ideal for balconies or patios with tight spaces. It can create that tall vertical privacy screen to protect your courtyard, or that soft ornamental feature that will be the envy of all who visit.