How far apart should I plant bamboo plants?

This is relevent to the variety, but for varieties suitable for growing in a surburban environment, the best spacing is 1.5m between each plant. This spacing is especially important if the plants are to be growingin a narrow retained garden or planter box. For the taller varieties that may grow beyond 8m in height, a space of at least 2m would be advised. 

Are all bamboo varieties invasive?

No. All bamboo plants fit into 2 main catogries. Either Clumping or Spreading. Otherwise refered to as Non-invasive and invasive. So, a clumping variety of bamboo can't become invasive, and vise versa. 

Does bamboo shed a lot of foliage?

No. Bamboo is considered a high foliage evergreen plant. This being the case, like all other evergreen plants, they will drop foliage at different times of the year, relevent to the climate and the conditions they are growing in. It is important to not overplant bamboo, and to keep the soil moist and active at all times. Bamboo is shallow rooted, so the addition of mulch is beneficial in helping to achieve this. 

Can clumping bamboo grow in a narrow garden?

Some of the smaller varieties are suitable for growing in narrow garden beds. It is not natural for them though, so they will need to be managed in this space. It is often worth creating a retained environment to assist with this, but remember to not overplant, and help the plants with nutrients and water throough the warmer months. Especially if the retained garden is raised.

What is the best fertiliser for bamboo?

Because bamboo is escentially a big grass, like lawns all bamboo varieties love Nitrogen. Nitrogen is one of the main macro nutrients that all plants require, and is listed as the N element in the NPK ratings on all fertiliser lables. For bamboo growing in the ground look for an organic soluable fertiliser fertiliser that is designed for lawns. For bamboo growing in pots or retained environments that raise away from the natural flow of water and nutrients through the ground, then a high N controlled release fertiliser would be more suitable. Please see our website for brand recomendations.

How deep and wide should I dig the holes for planting bamboo?

At the very least it is best to dig the hole 100mm deeper and wider than the size of the pot or container that the plant came in. If the soli os poor, then it would be good to dig it larger so that there is more space to back fill with good soil.